5 3/4 C TO 6 1/4 C. Four
1 Pkg. Yeast
2 1/4 C. Milk
2 TBSP. Milk
1 TBSP. Sugar
1 TBSP. Shortening, Margerine OR Butter

Mix 2 1/2 C. flour and yeast.
In a sauce pan, heat and stir milk, sugar, shortening, margarine or butter and salt until warm and
shortening almost melts.

Add to flour mixture. Beat with electric mixer on low for 30 seconds, scraping bowl constantly.
Using a spoon, stir in as much remaining flour as you can to make a moderately stiff dough that
is smooth and easy to pull (about 6-8 minutes).

Put some Crisco on your hands - this will add moisture to your rolls and make it easier to handle.
Shape into a ball and put in a greased bowl. Turn it on both sides to grease the dough.
Cover and let rise in the oven on the top rack and below it in a pan, put some hot water.
(Steam from the hot water will help it rise) about 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes take it out of the oven and punch it down.
Roll 18 balls (or you can make them smaller for more rolls) and place them in a greased pan
and let them rise until they are not quite double in size (about 20-30 minutes).
(The sides should not be touching at this point.)

While the rolls are rising, make the popo...
2 cans coconut milk
1 C. sugar (more or less to your taste)

Mix coconut milk and sugar. If you are using 2 9x13x2 pans, pour half of the coconut milk
mixture over the rolls in each pan. Let them rise for an additional 10 minutes.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until rolls are golden brown on top.

Take them out and enjoy with a nice steaming cup of koko! Ono you know!

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